This month’s Christian Message

Margaret Dexter-Brown

May 2024

Dear Friends,

I settle down to write this following another troubling week on the global stage. For many of us we find it difficult to watch the news in these challenging times, even less to process it all. As I reflected on these situations, I tried to find a positive slant. The positivity for me was a recognition of the importance of community: of sharing in sorrow and loss, of delivering aid, showing compassion and quite simply of being together on the difficult journeys. It is part of our make-up to be together with others and offer friendship and mutual support. We frequently hear in the Gospels of Jesus’ interaction with people of all backgrounds without discrimination. He was very much part of whichever community he found himself in.

I found myself seeking space, quietness, and a time of reflection, trying to process the news. As is often the case, I find calm in nature so Chris and I embarked on an evening drive to Redesmer Lake. It is peaceful, yet stunning and has a never changing vista. As I sit on the edge of the lake I am immediately transfixed by the beauty of God’s creation and in the same instant, emotionall disturbed with feelings of thankfulness, joy, love, peace and a renewed connection to the environment. The lake shimmers in the evening sun, a myriad of green hues cover the trees which embrace the lake, and across on a distant field the cows creep ever closer to the water’s edge – I am transported into a world of utte calm and peace feeling the presence of the Living God.

My life is paused in that moment. The words of Julie Gold come flooding into my mind…

From a distance the world looks blue and green and the snow-capped mountains white. From a distance the ocean meets the stream and the eagle takes to flight. From a distance, there is harmony and it echoes through the land. It’s the voice of hope, it’s the voice of peace it’s the voice of every one.
From a distance we all have enough and no one is in need. There are no guns, no bombs, no disease, no hungry mouths to feed. From a distance there is harmony. It’s the hope of hopes, it’s the love of loves, it’s the heart of everyone. God is watching us from a distance.

No matter what situations we find ourselves in, both personal and global, we can be assured that God is with us and together we can find a way forward and in God’s unending love we can find peace. Tomorrow, I think to myself, will be a return to the hustle and bustle of life, as I prepare to return to College. Once again I will be sharing with others, always a joy and a privilege.

I leave you with this prayer:

“I become quiet and focused on the Spirit of God. Alone with the presence of God, I feel a great serenity. I rediscover how refreshing it feels to be calm and at peace. I feel as if waves of peace are washing over me an clearing away any tenseness and anxiety. I know that I am eternally one with God.



3 May 2024

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